product image  
63 33.5 42 92 98 108 120 17 24 5.8 5.2 16 5.5 7 1.5 24 SU63TC35
71 34/38 48 112 119 125 136 17 32 5.8 5.2 22.5 9 8 2.7 24 SU71TC35
80 46 54 127 135 142 153 20 35 5.8 7 22 11 8 2.5 30 SU80TC47
90 51 64 137 145 158 173 26 35 6.5 5.8 22 5.5 10 2 37 SU90TC52
100 61 74 155 162 176 191 32 40 6.5 5.8 29.5 10.5 10.5 2 50 SU100TC62
112 70 84 176 184 195 215 31 43 8.5 5.5 33 6 13 2.5 50 SU112TC72
132 78/88 103 205 215 230 252 42 50 9 4.5 41.5 13.5 12 1.5 51 SU132TC80
  The catalog is published for informational purposes and is by no means binding.
The company reserves the right to alter or change the information contained herein without prior notice.

